martes, 20 de agosto de 2013

Tokio, Londres, Granada / Tokyo, London, Granada

Granada, 21 de agosto de 2013.
Granada, 21 August 2013.

La última vez que vi a Hideki Sakomizu fue en Londres, en invierno. Mercado de Portobello, contra una pared de ladrillo rojo. Hideki venía de Tokio y tenía un sueño: recorrer el mundo cantando. Me pareció divertido. Mi sueño, pensé, es ir a tu ciudad. 

Quién me iba a decir a mí que volvería a ver a Hideki meses más tarde, en mi tierra natal. Sigue con su funda abierta a los pies y el cartel con el que se presenta a quien quiere detenerse a escucharle mientras sueña. Porque, obviamente, está haciendo realidad su ilusión.

Así que sigue soñando, Hideki, y hasta la próxima vez. El mundo es grande, pero no lo bastante como para que no lo recorras. ¿Y quién sabe? Tokio está lejos, pero no tanto como para no ir jamás.

The last time I saw Hideki Sakomizu was in London, during the winter. He was in Portobello Market, his back against a red brick wall. Hideki came from Tokyo and had a dream - to sing all over the world. I found it funny. My dream, I thought, is to go to your city.

Little I knew that I would see Hideki months later, in my hometown. He still keeps his guitar case open at his feet, as well as the sign with which he introduces himself to everyone who care to stop by and listen to him while he dreams. Because he is obviously making his dream come true.

So keep dreaming, Hideki, and see you soon, hopefully. The world is certainly big, but not so much that you cannot sing your whole way around it. And hey, who knows? Tokyo is far away, but not so much that I can never reach there.

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