Granada, 22 de julio de 2013.
Granada, 22 July 2013.
Se llama Salvador y estaba sentado tranquilamente a la sombra, pintando, yo no sabía el qué pero él agitaba el pincel en un pote con agua y el tintineo contra las paredes de cristal sonaba a verano. Estuve a punto de pararme para curiosear, pero lo dejé estar, me dije: no vas a comprarle nada.
Subí hacia Plaza de la Trinidad. Bajé luego por Mesones. Salvador había convertido los postes y faroles en galería de arte callejera. Salvador tenía un tendedero de palabras frescas.
Lo llama poesía pintable. Y ahí está, colgada en la calle con pinzas de la ropa de colores, en este julio caluroso. No se la pierdan.
His name is Salvador and he was quietly sat down in the shade, painting, I did not quite know what but there he was, carefully stirring a brush in a pot of fresh water, and the sweet clink against the glass sounded like summer. I was about to stop just to take a look, but finally let it go - you are not going to buy anything, I said to myself.
I went up to Plaza de la Trinidad and then down to Mesones. Salvador had turned the poles and lampposts into a street art gallery. Salvador had a clothesline full of fresh, brand new words.
He calls it 'painted poetry'. And there it is, hung in the street with colourful clothespins, in this hot month of July. Do not miss it.
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